The Most Common Misconception

Einstein never failed math.

Swallowed gum does not take 7 years to digest.
The Great Wall of China is not visible from the Moon.

Fish actually have memories longer than a few seconds.

Sugar does not cause hyperactivity in children. Kids are just crazy. 

Interior Designers are not decorators. 
And we are not always sparkles and markers.

As the first week of school passed, I stressed myself out anxiously running around, waking up in the early hours of the day for class, and reading more than I read throughout the whole summer in those seven days, a few things came to mind. (and in this order...)


Oh my goodness what did I get myself in to... 

Is this the right major for me???

Too much.. Too much...

Where am I?

This became grossly apparent while I was around my poor husband. He was so EXCITED about all his classes and getting into his major classes this year, and I was just in a blank, trailed off state 98% of the time. He would have to bring me back to the conversation multiple times with, "Honey, are you listening to me?" And I would snap out of it and say, "yyyyeeeessss?" (God surely blessed me with a patient companion)

I felt so bad! I just was constantly thinking of the multiple assignments and projects given to me in those first days. It's funny how even in my third year of this IDT program I am still surprised at the amount of work given, you would think I would be used to it by now. Not. 

What I was definitely not used to was the smack of self-image conflict I was about to undergo. It's funny (not at all funny) how you can be completely wrapped up in work to do and still be concerned about if you are as pretty as the girl next to you. Let me tell you, when that first day of school came around and everyone was wearing their fancy new outfits I was sitting there in my comfy jeans and shirt (which wasn't bad in my opinion), there was a definite feeling of... what was it...

Why did I feel this way? Why did I feel like I should have been wearing my pearl skirt with my salmon shirt and floral scarf topped by the finest jewelry I owned. Oh. Right. Cause everyone else was. 

That's the thing, these women look so beautiful and cute! I was honestly jealous, and thought I should have thought more about my outfit and hair that day. You know? The feeling where you feel like you should be that girl who ALWAYS looks good. There is an expectation as a girl (especially an interior design girl) to be constantly dolled up. My opinion on that...

There is a time and place. If it isn't that time, or place, WEAR what you want, BE who you are. 
I know I am good at interior design. I know my stuff and I am a very creative person. Some express that in their fashion sense every day, and that inspires them in their creativity, whereas I am just inspired in the work that I do, not what I wear.

Don't get me wrong, I want to always look and present myself in public as an interior designer. But I also want people to know the intensity and professional type of work I do. And let me tell you...
It ain't cutsy.
It's hard.

This may sound archaic, but I never want to be judged by my outfit as cute or cuter than the girl next to me (or if it is more or less expensive), and I don't want that to effect my professional career. And sometimes I feel that way. It's a pattern in my mind that needs to be broken. I'm sure its a pattern in a lot of women's minds, and I find that heart breaking.

I feel that God created us women especially beautiful, and that is why the Adversary constantly dogs on us to make us think we are ugly. Then, we buy the most expensive, most elegant clothing (no matter how immodest) and constantly worry about our weight and body image wasting our money on things of the world to "better" ourselves. 

Here's the catch, you already have all you need to be a "better" you.  

You have a spirit that is aching to show itself, your soul wants to be free to express the unique person that you are. Never forget that you are blessed with the most original and personal mind and heart, one that no one else has. 

I especially need to remember. 

So just as everyone misconceives that interior designers are decorators, that they just fluff pillows, move furniture, and throw sparkles on things. They also misconceive the women in the trade, and women in general. Though we may look pretty, we have a degree, a T-square, and a hammer to prove ourselves. And there is no better misconception than thinking women have to constantly spend more time looking good than men do. (honestly, who said an average woman has to wear make up every day? I want to find them and get a refund.)

This all will probably sound like a silly overstretched rant that some whiney girl had to get down in writing, but I feel especially sincere about what I am saying. Those who are struggling with self-image, know that you aren't alone, and you have at least me to relate to. And don't you ever forget that your Heavenly Father loves you, in all your beauty, and is always there to uplift you in your sorrow.
This is know without a doubt.
Thank you, my darling husband for helping me see my beauty through your eyes. Love you.



A design student overview.

I finally decided to stage some projects I have done in my quest to become an interior designer. Thus far in my schooling I have had the fantastic opportunities to express my design tastes and techniques from rendering perspectives to creating design concepts and putting together material boards. I feel so blessed to be learning what I have so far. Catching up to this dream to design has been an awfully amazing adventure so far!

Ahh.. Venice.

The hubby and I took our official first road trip this last week. ( driving down to st George for our  honeymoon doesn't count because it wasn't over 10 hours. To be official road trippees you must go the distance... Like Hercules... But we're getting of subject)
So we packed on up our clothes and magnificent cooler and were off to the beautiful city of Venice California! It was a long drive.. and we took an unpleasant stop in Vegas (I don't know if its just us but the ol viva las Vegas is a dump.. Elvis is probably turning in his grave) can't imagine what it is going to be like in the future...
On a lighter note, after about 4 more long hours ( seriously the longest trek from Vegas to California... Death valley.. literally...) We were at the beach being greeted by the beautiful ocean! We immediately hunkered up to our little studio apartment we rented for a few days, changed in to our bathing suits, and went to fight the waves! Bradlee was so excited! He hadn't been to the ocean since he was a wee lad, and it had obviously been long overdo!
We went out to eat at the very cozy candlelit cafe ( where they give you a blanket if you sit on the patio, which encourages lots of cuddles)... And enjoyed our first night falling to sleep to the sounds of the ocean. In a word, it was bliss. :)
And then came the real experience of vacation in California. The next day we got severely burnt ( not a smart move on our part, always wear sunscreen!)...
That definitely made our trip complete. We layered ourselves up with aloe, ate a gigantic pizza whilst dancing to piano music... We've got class. ;) and said goodbye to Venice..
To finish up our trip we dropped by the st george temple.. a designer's dream! This particular temple was the first temple finished in Utah, and it still has some of it's original furniture inside.. oh my goodness I went bonkers! Bradlee had to dragme out of there! It was beautiful. And the perfect end to a perfect first road trip with the love of my life. :) gillian.simmons

Our Wedding Day (sounds cliche, but it was magical...)

Ok, time to join all the other bloggers out there and talk about the Simmons' wedding day. More or less I want to say what a wonderful husband I have, and as it nears about a year since our first date (in two days) I'd like to tell our little love story here in the blog world. 

Bradlee asked me to marry him on a Saturday night at the end of June last year, we had been dating since May, and couldn't wait to spend the rest of our lives together! He asked me to be his "last first kiss" while he was on one knee on our beach up at Pine View, and I said yes. We decided on October 18, 2012 to be our wedding day, I never really thought about which season I wanted to be married in when I was young, but Autumn was just perfect. 
We called up the Salt Lake Temple and decided that a 9 am sealing would be just dandy, (we didn't think it through, I probably would have liked it to be at least 10 am, but we were just too excited!) I could not sleep at all the night before, waiting in anxious anticipation... Apparently Bradlee slept like a baby. The ceremony was beautiful, our sealer was such a cute old man. And afterwards we took many a picture on the temple grounds...

Might I add that I redid my hair about 4 times that morning... I eventually just through it back in a side bun and it came out quite nicely. Happy day. 
We continued the day by going to a magnificent luncheon put together by Bradlee's parents, where all our family and friends gave us marital advice. All their comments and beautiful testimonies were so special to us, we are truly blessed with wonderful people in our lives. We finished up at the luncheon, got an afternoon breather, and headed off to our reception. This was the most rewarding for me. Though a lot of the credit goes to The Castle in Layton for the beautiful venue, I like to think all my hard work finally paid off. I made all of the groomsmen's boutonnieres, the centerpieces, my aunt made our SUPER cute cake, had to go to a couple thrift stores for frames, made the bridesmaid's hair pieces (with the help of little sis) plus we found the bridesmaid dresses on sale (booyah), and we created our own sign in book on Shutterfly. It was a TON of work, but we pulled it off and saved a lot of money doing so! Plus it put a unique twist on our wedding, and I just couldn't live with myself if we didn't do things our own original way.  :)

There was dancing, cutting of cake, and eating of cake, and a TON of greetings given. We didn't get the chance to taste of our own delicious chocolate fountain and many a fruits given at our reception unfortunately... too many people loved us... they should warn you about that before you get married....
It was a blissful day that ended in a magnificent night, everything went as planned! (besides the hair disaster) I wish I could go back and marry Bradlee again. I held on the the memory of our wedding day for the longest I could!!! And it stayed fresh in my mind for a LONG time... unfortunately memories fade in our poor impotent human mind. that's why we scrapbook. :)
I love everyday that I wake up next to my best friend and soul mate every morning
(especially his morning chinese man smiles)
I love that we are forever a family, eternally bonded to one another in this new and everlasting covenant that our Father in Heaven has provided for us.
(... and I'm SO excited to bring darling babies into this covenant)
I love that no matter what he will be there for me
(even when I'm a tear-stained messy baby girl when I'm sick)
I love that we say I love you a million times a day
(... seems excessive, but you wouldn't believe how awkward it is if we don't say I love you enough... we can sense when were low on our I lu you's... It's our superpower)
Ultimately, I love my life with him.
I know that people say that we'll get out of this "honeymoon stage" and that the newlywed glow fades... We don't believe in that, no matter how many taunt and tease us for kissing "too much" and that we say I love you "too much", we will always want for more! Because love it ultimately a choice. While other couples choose to lose their flame, we choose to keep it alive. :)

Charitable Chair

this spring i am participating in the wonderful Charitable Chair Event here at Weber State University.
As you can see, it's a pretty legit event. Me and my darling friend Kristin partnered up to get to restoring our antique chair. We got on and searched for antique furniture (finding some for sale for $300!!) that was a BIT out of our budget, so we modified our search and found this little keeper:

isn't she a beauty?! we saw so much potential in this little gal... we discovered that she was made between 1900-1920, in the shaker/french provincial style. (shaker because of the rush seating and simple legs, and french provincial because of the curving detail on the ladder-back seat) so we leaned more towards the French when thinking of her name, so we called her Cosette (due to the recent release of the classic Les Miserables (2012) in theaters).
so we divided up the labor to get this girl all shined up and ready for the ball. we started by stripping off all of the old rush seating to stain her. after Kristin sanded and stained it, she handed it off to me and my wonderful husband to figure out how to reapply a new rush seat......... did I mention we couldn't find someone to redo this rush seat? the closest person was in Colorado (we're in Utah).... so we were in a bit of a pickle...
my husband and i aren't the type of people who just let others get the job done anyhow, so this really did work out perfectly. we were up for the challenge. we took weeks studying off and on about rush weaving a seat properly, and what kind of rush we should use, and how to still love each other under the stress of finishing this little bugger. (yes, we have back problems, and this reflects in our ability to work on a project for a long period of time) but we were each other's cheerleaders and kept a positive attitude!! once the rush arrived from Peerless Rattan (a cute little family located in Michigan who have sustained a business selling rush and cane weaving supplies since 1903) it took us one half of a day, a partial late night (my husband forced me to stop working and go to sleep because i was starting to get crazy project eyes and mumbling to myself), and another half day to finish! Here's the work in process:

isn't she the most beautiful thing you ever saw! 
she will be professionally photographed and auctioned off at the BIG event!
we're so very excited.
we'll keep you updated on how the even goes and how she turns out!